As I write this, we’re all living with massive uncertainty thanks to a nasty little virus. Just a few months ago we were blissfully unaware of how massively our lives would change.
If you’d known this was coming what would you have done differently?
Would you have taken that trip? Moved out or moved in?
If I’d known what was coming, there’s no doubt in my mind. Move my spring trip up by a month for starters!
It’s not just time we’ve lost. If you’ve lost a loved one or been hurt by this pandemic my heart goes out to you.
All the more reason to grab hold of our present and future.
We may not be able to DO what we want right now, but we can still plan. Nothing can stop us from visualizing a future to get excited about. That’s something worth remembering if we feel disconnected and disheartened.
Feeling Stuck Right Now?
Instead of feeling stuck by the current situation, perhaps this is the perfect time to pause and think. Maybe even get excited by the possibilities.
What would your future look like if you could order it up? Picture a menu filled with yummy life choices.
Dig deep and ponder your internal bucket list. What’s on it?
Would you be tripping around the world with a devoted lover or snoozing on a sun drenched deck facing the ocean.
Perhaps the kids and grandkids are all piling into your mountain lodge over the holidays for an extended visit.
I think you get it. ANYTHING is possible in your head. And heart. The future is limitless when we allow for possibility.
The trick to getting excited about our future is believing in infinite possibility.
I have no doubt the world will open again soon. But we don’t need to wait, we can start dreaming now.
It’s time to take all those bucket list items and dream destinations and put them smack dab in front of your consciousness every day.
Use Vision Boards to Create a Future to be Excited About
Have you heard of vision boards? You’re nodding your head.
Have you tried a vision board yet? You’re shaking your head. Too woo woo.
Or perhaps you started a vision board and then just forgot about it. Hands up here.
Think of a vision board as a reminder of what you’re passionate about. Experiences, people and bucket list things.
It’s a way to say “I want my present to turn into this future”
Feeling Your Way to the Future
How do you want to feel when you have what you want?
Close your eyes and picture your surroundings. When you’re feeling happy and content what pops up?
Take time to dive into your deepest wishes and desires. When life feels good, what does that look like to you?
Where does your wanderlust take you? Are you on safari with a Robert Redford type or happily hiking through an alpine meadow with a backpack.
Have fun with it. Let those dazzling visions pop into your head.
Visualize your ideal day. What are you doing and who are you with?
Spoiler alert: All the bells and whistles don’t mean a thing if you don’t have one ingredient – feeling joyful. Your goal is to feel deliciously engaged with your happy life. Reach out for the visuals that take you to that place.
How to Make Your Visions Real
A vision board is a handy place to store your dreams. That’s what we want to do. Put them up there to look at every day.
When we give our brains a picture it knows what to do. When we combine that with a feeling, oh baby. Look out!
Visualizing our bucket list starts turning the future into something to get excited about.
All you have to do is pick images that say “my happy place”. Easy peasy right?
How Does This Vision Boards Thing Work?
When we choose images that speak to our desires, we’re giving the Universe the nod. It’s like placing your order at the drive thru. Yes please, I’ll have that.
This is what I choose. This is what I want.
Have you ever flipped through the pages of a magazine and fallen head over heels with the possibilities?
That’s what I’m talking about. Those are the images you’re looking for.
Don’t forget inspirational words and quotes.
Our thoughts are so powerful, but just wishing for our brilliant future isn’t enough. We still need to take action. Even during a pandemic.
When you take action you’re unleashing the power of the Universe on your behalf. Ready to get started?
A how to for making Pinterest Vision Boards
If you’re not already on Pinterest, then set up an account pronto. It’s a free and super easy way to get started vision board’ing.
- Don’t forget to download the app to your smartphone or tablet so you can find inspiration even while you’re waiting in the doctors office or like me, during the commercials.
- In your Pinterest account, click on board view, then click the + to add a new board and name it My Delicious Vision or whatever you choose.
- Don’t want to share? Hover over the board name, click the pencil icon and then choose Visibility > Secret
- Start looking for images to pin online. Search for your favorite destinations, dream real estate or whatever floats your boat. You know the drill. I might start with Zillow, TripAdvisor and Coastal Living magazine, then move on to Pottery Barn 😉
- Easily grab those images using the Pinterest browser button. See something you want to save? Click the Pin It button in your toolbar. Wait for the new window to open and then click the image you want to save. Instructions for each browser.
- Google or search by Images for your favorite things by name or idea, then look for the red Pinterest Save button.
- Don’t forget to pin quotes or sayings that support your vision or dream destination.
- Customize the wide image at the top of your profile page with your vision board. Click on the pencil icon in the upper right > Choose a board > your Vision board
Bringing Your Visions to Life
It’s no fun playing with visionary ideas if they aren’t going to come true. It’s never a waste of time, but you want results, right?
A vision board helps us focus our thoughts on what we really want from life.
Once you decide (intend) to create a thrilling life list, your brain gets to work looking for ways to make it happen.
Your thoughts will start to focus on how to bring your dream life into now.
What’s the secret sauce? Turn the woo woo into WOW by taking action.
Take action when inspiration strikes. It’s not enough to pin pretty pictures and hope for the best. When an opportunity or coincidence drops into your day, grab it.
Perhaps a friend mentions a cruise she’s going on and you think “I wish I could do that too”. Why not? Find a way to make it happen.
When I was dreaming of a trip to England, I wasn’t sure I could spare the cash. I’d just started a new business and was sole breadwinner. But I came up with a plan to earn my airline ticket by holding a yard sale, then selling extra stuff on Craigslist and eBay. I had a clear vision of what I wanted and everything fell into place!
Life may be on hold right now but our dreams don’t have to be.
My advice? Don’t wait for this to be over. Start visualizing your kick ass life now. Before you know it you’ll be excited about your future again.